Viral Examples #004

And how you can go viral too

Welcome back to Viral Examples 👋

Each week we break down 3 posts that got lots of engagement on X and LinkedIn:

  • Why the post resonated

  • A templated version you can copy/paste and use

  • Our own example using the template

Viral Examples is your superpower to grow faster on X and LinkedIn.

PS — we’re the team behind Megaphone, a platform that gets big, reputable creators in your niche to comment on and repost your content. We generate millions of impressions each day for our users.

We also just launched a ghostwriting offer for both X and LinkedIn. We’re only taking on a few initial clients but are seeing great early results. Let us know you’re interested by filling out this form.

Overhyped Template


Why It Works

  1. It’s intriguing: He’s claiming one of the biggest product releases ever is overhyped. It makes you want to read what’s next. The hook is where you should spend 80%+ of your time on threads.

The Template

[Technology/Product/Activity] is overhyped.

That’s what I told myself after [timeframe] of trying (and failing) at it.

Turns out, I was just [what you were doing wrong].

But after spending [timeframe] tinkering, I’ve finally figured it out.

And now, it’s [what it does for you].

Here’s how:

Our Example

Deadlifting is overhyped.

That’s what I told myself after 2 months of trying (and failing) to get stronger.

Turns out, I just had bad form.

But after spending countless hours I’ve finally perfected it.

And now, it’s my favorite lift.

Here’s how:


Hundreds of Conversations Template


Why It Works

  1. Expertise: He says he’s had hundreds of conversations about a particular topic so he must be knowledgeable about it.

  2. Surprising conclusion: It’s easy to blame someone (bad coworkers, manager, etc) when someone quits. He offers an alternative opinion.

  3. Imagine a future: He gives the reader a version of the world to aspire to.

The Template

I have seen many people [action you’ve seen].

I have talked to them and asked why they [action they did]

After hundreds of conversations, I came to the conclusion [your conclusion].

Actually, they [action] for one of these 3 reasons:

  • [Reason 1]

  • [Reason 2]

  • [Reason 3]

Imagine a world where [the world you imagine].

Our Example

I have seen many VCs make bad investments.

I’ve chatted with some and asked what went wrong.

After dozens of conversations, I came to the conclusion that in 90% of cases, it wasn’t because they didn’t understand the market.

Usually it was a combination of these 3 things:

  • The founders didn’t get along

  • They didn’t talk to customers enough

  • They hired poorly

Imagine a world where more VCs offer robust resources for founders to help them stay on track.

Life Update Template


Why It Works

  1. People love hearing your personal success story especially if you share the details.

The Template


[The headline of your life update. Maybe a new job or company started].

[Details on why this is a big deal in your life].

Story & [numbers/details], I’ll share it all:

Our Example


After 3 incredible years working at Google, I’ve left to launch my own startup.

From a junior software engineer to the co-founder and CTO of a something new.

Story & details, I’ll share it all:

To start going viral yourself like our founder, check out Megaphone.

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