Viral Examples #013

And how you can go viral too

Welcome back to Viral Examples šŸ‘‹

Each week we break down 3 posts that got lots of engagement on X and LinkedIn:

  • Why the post resonated

  • A templated version you can copy/paste and use

  • Our own example using the template

Viral Examples is your superpower to grow faster on X and LinkedIn.

PS ā€” weā€™re the team behind Megaphone, a platform that gets big, reputable creators in your niche to comment on and repost your content. We generate millions of impressions each day for our users.

We also recently launched a ghostwriting offer for both X and LinkedIn. Weā€™re only taking on a few initial clients but are seeing great early results. Let us know youā€™re interested by filling out this form.

Company Story Template

Why It Works

  1. He reveals the interesting story behind a brand that not enough people know about.

  2. The first sentence implies there are unknown insights behind the brand, and the third sentence tells readers to expect to learn them

The Template

[Your niche] donā€™t talk about [subject] enough.

  • [Unique fact]

  • [Unique fact]

  • [Unique fact]

Hereā€™s the untold story of [subjectā€™s] [brand/company/life]:

Our Example

Founders donā€™t talk enough about Craigslist.

  • Only 50 employees

  • $700M/year in revenue

  • They havenā€™t changed their website design since the 90s

Hereā€™s the untold story of Craigslist:

Lead Magnet Template

Why It Works

  1. Itā€™s a valuable resource for anyone in his niche to use.

  2. By getting people to comment on it heā€™s attracting leads and boosting the engagement on the post.

The Template

[Your lead magnet] [Template/list/database]

  • [Whatā€™s included]

  • [Whatā€™s included]

  • [Whatā€™s included]

  • [Whatā€™s included]

  • And, more

Want access?

Itā€™s simple.

Comment [Lead Magnet name], and our team will share a copy with you.

Our Example

Early-stage VC Investor Database

  • 1000 early-stage investors

  • With their firm, email, and LinkedIn

  • All active investors

  • And, more

Want access?

Itā€™s simple.

Comment ā€˜early stage investor databaseā€™, and our team will share a copy with you.

Career Accomplishment Template

Why It Works

  1. He shows that heā€™s reputable and then explains how he solved a hard problem.

  2. The problem is something everyone whoā€™s used Uber has probably thought about at some point.

  3. Uberā€™s known as one of the fastest growing early companies of all time.

The Template

In [year], I [what you did at a company].

Our biggest challenge? [You challenge].

Hereā€™s how we [how you solved the problem]:

Our Example

In 2020, I joined CloudKitchens as employee #400.

Our biggest challenge? Selling kitchens.

Hereā€™s how we sold our first 1,000 kitchens at CloudKitchens:

To start going viral yourself like our founder, check out Megaphone.

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