Viral Examples #020

And how you can go viral too

Welcome back to Viral Examples 👋

Each week we break down 3 posts that got lots of engagement on X and LinkedIn:

  • Why the post resonated

  • A templated version you can copy/paste and use

  • Our own example using the template

Viral Examples is your superpower to grow faster on X and LinkedIn.

PS — we’re the team behind Megaphone, a platform that gets big, reputable creators in your niche to comment on and repost your content. We generate millions of impressions each day for our users.

We also recently launched a ghostwriting offer for both X and LinkedIn. We’re only taking on a few initial clients but are seeing great early results. Let us know you’re interested by filling out this form.

Your Journey Template

Why It Works

  1. People love learning the numbers behind your business

  2. It’s easy to consume with quick bullet points.

  3. People love seeing others make progress and cheering them on.

The Template

Me in [Date]:

  • [revenue number]

  • [follower count]

Me in [later date]:

  • [revenue number]

  • [follower count]

Me in [later date]:

  • [revenue number]

  • [follower count]

Trust the process.

Our Example

Me in 2022:

  • $0/month

  • 0 subscribers

Me in 2023:

  • $1,000/month

  • 10k subscribers

Me in 2024:

  • $75k/month

  • 79k subscribers

  • 50k followers on X

  • 42k followers on LinkedIn

Trust the process.

Lessons Learned Template

Why It Works

  1. He clearly shows that he’s knowledgeable about the subject by spending over half his life on it.

  2. Giving quick lessons on your niche provides easy value to people.

The Template

Today I turn [age].

I have dedicated over [timespan] of my life obsessing over [what you obsess over] and [other thing you obsess over].

[amount] of [results of your experience] later…

Here are [number] lessons for [your target niche]:

Our Example

Today I turn 35.

I have dedicated over 50% of my life to building companies and raising money.

Half a dozen companies, 4 successful raises, and billions of dollars in profit later…

Here are 15 lessons for founders:

Contrarian Take Template

Why It Works

  1. He talks about one of the most famous people in the world so most people are familiar with the subject.

  2. Everyone loves learning about a contrarian take that that turned out correct.

The Template

[Person] [action they did] and everyone thought [what the consensus take was].

[He/she] was right. Everyone was wrong.

It’s the [lesson/prediction/masterclass] of the decade every [niche] must understand it happened:

Our Example

Balaji Srinivasan predicted the pandemic would happen and everyone thought he was insane.

He was right. Everyone was wrong.

It’s the history lesson of the decade everyone must understand why he predicted it:

To start going viral yourself then check out Megaphone.

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