Viral Examples #016

And how you can go viral too


Welcome back to Viral Examples 👋

Each week we break down 3 posts that got lots of engagement on X and LinkedIn:

  • Why the post resonated

  • A templated version you can copy/paste and use

  • Our own example using the template

Viral Examples is your superpower to grow faster on X and LinkedIn.

PS — we’re the team behind Megaphone, a platform that gets big, reputable creators in your niche to comment on and repost your content. We generate millions of impressions each day for our users.

We also recently launched a ghostwriting offer for both X and LinkedIn. We’re only taking on a few initial clients but are seeing great early results. Let us know you’re interested by filling out this form.

Unexpected Benefits Template

Why It Works

  1. He’s been writing for over a decade so he has a ton of experience and credibility in the space.

  2. People love to hear unexpected ways that something can help them.

The Template

I have been [doing your niche] since [year].

I have [related habit] every day since [year].

Most people [action required] because they [desired outcome].

But these are the unexpected ways [habit] for [timeframe] has led to [outcome]:

Our Example

I have been building businesses since 2011.

I have talked to customers every day since 2012.

Most people talk to customers because they want to understand their needs better.

But these are the unexpected ways talking to customers every day for 13 years has led to multiple business successes:

Startup Problems Template

Why It Works

  1. He’s sharing what he learned from one of the most successful startups ever.

  2. He gives tactical advice that other founders can use to build their startups.

The Template

Today, [company] is a [amount] company with [what is unique about them].

But in the early days, [the problem the startup faced]:

[Explanation of the problem]

Here’s how [we/they] solved it:

Our Example

Today, Airbnb is a $100B company with over 5 million hosts.

But in the early days, they had to figure out how to get strangers to stay with each other off the internet:

Without reviews, there was no trust.

Here’s how they solved it:

The Man Who Template

Why It Works

  1. The catchy headline forces you to keep reading. How can you not want to know about a man who looks 30 years younger than he is?

  2. The images provide visual context and get people to stop scrolling.

The Template

The [man/woman] who [the action of the person that’s related to your niche]

[Person] is a [who they are and why they’re unique]

Here’s a breakdown of [his/her] [what makes him unique]

Our Example

The man who dozens of unicorns.

Peter Thiel is a prolific investor who’s invested in companies like Facebook, Airbnb, Spotify, and LinkedIn.

Here’s a breakdown of his investing thesis

To start going viral yourself like our founder, check out Megaphone.

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